Bangladesh has been performing well in the electronics industry for some years. Many electronic brands have emerged in recent years, and they have already seized the market and are now competing with worldwide brands. As a result, the electronics sector has become one of Bangladesh’s fastest-expanding industries. These brands are having a significant influence on our economy.
Bangladesh’s electronics sector mostly manufactures consumer goods. Televisions, radios, DVD and CD players, freezers, air conditioners, ovens, electronic fans, blenders, and other home appliances are being assembled to a great extent. The primary challenges in this area are technical support and adequate industry technology orientation to achieving performance reliability.
Nonetheless, Bangladesh has performed well since the industry’s establishment. This sector today includes several electronics brands and they are elevating Bangladesh to new heights.
Top 10 electronics brands in Bangladesh
Today, ten electronics brands in Bangladesh are dominating buyers’ preferences. The necessary information is provided below regarding the top 10 Bangladeshi electronics brands:
1. Walton Group

Business Details:
- Website:
- Location: Plot-1088, Block-I, Sabrina Sobhan Road P.O-Khilkhet, P.S-Vatara, Bashundhara R/A, Dhaka-1229.
- Contact: 008809606-555555
Being named Rezvi and brothers, founded by S. M Nazrul Islam the business name was named after his eldest son S.M Nurul Alam Rezvi.
They started their journey in 1977. In early 2008 it started its journey as Walton Group by manufacturing Freezer, Refrigerator, Air conditioners, and compressors and now it has expanded more by manufacturing, television, mobile phones, laptops, tablets, and other electrical appliances
Walton has made its reputation in a span of a little time. In 2017 Walton launched the first-ever compressor manufacturing country in Bangladesh. Also in 2017, they inaugurated the first-ever smartphone manufacturing factory in Bangladesh. And in 2018 they introduced their first-ever computer assembly plant.
Before COVID-19, in February 2020 they started exporting their handsets to the United States. And their milestones continue and they are growing with each passing day. Their manufacturing plant is located in Gazipur, Bangladesh.
Walton Group was felicitated with Best Brand Award 2021 and Best Electronics Stall Award in DITF-22. After the death of S. M Nazrul Islam in 2017, his eldest son S. M Nurul Alam Rezvi became the chairman of the Walton Group. And it is one of the most renowned brands existing in Bangladesh at the present time.
2. Jamuna Electronics

Business Details:
- Website:
- Location: Jamuna Electronics & Automobiles Ltd. Jamuna Future Park, Ka-244 Progati Sarani, Baridhara, Dhaka
- Contact: +88013-13-036904
Jamuna Electronics and Automobiles Ltd. is a part of Jamuna Group. The founder of Jamuna Group is Md. Nurul Islam was founded in 1974.
By manufacturing television, freezer, refrigerator, air conditioners, motorcycles, etc. It became one of the largest manufacturers and retailers in Bangladesh.
With 100 acres of land, it established a large factory area with the use of modern machinery, skilled laborers, advanced technology, and raw materials. They have many branches but the head office is in Jamuna Future Park, Dhaka.
Jamuna Electronics is known mostly for its quality and durability. They are renowned for their quality which they don’t compromise with no matter what.
3. Marcel

Business Details:
- Website:
- Location: Plot-1088, Block-I, Sabrina Sobhan Road P.O-Khilkhet, P.S-Vatara, Bashundhara R/A, Dhaka-1229.
- Contact: 008809606-555555
Marcel is a new company established in 2006. Marcel is owned by Walton Group, as Walton HiTech Industries Limited bought a fair share within this industry, but it’s headquartered in Dhaka, unlike Walton Group’s headquarters which is located in Gazipur. Their products are Freezer, Refrigerator, Air conditioner, and Home appliances.
They use advanced technology and products are designed according to what customers need. They have also made their reputation for maintaining the quality of their devices. Marcel has retail sales outlets countrywide with service points having a highly skilled and efficient labor
4. Singer

Business Details:
- Website:
- Location: 5/B, 126, Gulshan-1, Dhaka, Bangladesh 1212
- Contact: 09606600600
The singer began its journey in 1905 when Bangladesh was a part of the Indian subcontinent. And set up two new shops one in Dhaka and another in Chittagong in 1920.
In 1971 there were only 23 shops and after 1979 they created a new business opportunity, which was proven beneficial to them. 80% of shares were purchased by the Singer Sewing Machines Company, USA, and the rest of the 20% by local shareholders.
The singer has a lot of electronic products such as television, air conditioner, microwave oven, refrigerators, and many other home appliances.
5. Vision

Business Details:
- Website:
- Location: PRAN Center,105 Pragati Swarani (Middle Badda) – 1212, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
- Contact: 08007777777
VISION company is a part of the renowned RFL group. In 2012, they started marketing electronic products, hence VISION company was created by RFL.
VISION Electronics has manufactured with world-class European state-of-the-art technology in three manufacturing factories at Ghorashal, Habiganj, and Danga. VISION has many electronics products such as refrigerators, washing machines, microwave ovens, freezers, LED TV, laptop, mobile phones, and tablets.
Besides maintaining its demand in the domestic market, VISION Electronics has started exporting to more than 10 countries.
6. Vigo

Business Details:
- Website:
- Location: RFL Electronics Limited, Pran Center, 105 Pragati Sarani, Middle Badda, Dhaka-1212
- Contact: 09613-737777
Vigo electronics started its journey in 2016, they are also a brand of RFL Electronics Limited. Vigo offers a wide range of electronic products such as television, air conditioners, refrigerators, and kitchen appliances.
All the production processes go through a strict quality check process. They have two factories one is located in Narsingdi and the other one is in Habiganj.
They have skilled laborers along with experienced engineers and executives. Vigo serves customers by availing call centers to work 24/7 and the service centers are located in different regions of the country.
7. MyOne

Business Details:
- Website:
- Location: Headquarters- House: 47, Road: 35/A Gulshan-2, Dhaka -1212.
- Contact: +8801971700700
MyOne started its journey in 2002, it was founded by Mr. MD. Abdul Hakim Khan. In a short period of time, the company successfully got its customers’ acceptance.
They provide products like refrigerators, freezers, refrigerators, freezer water pumps, air conditioners, LED, LCDs, CRT televisions, and many others. MyOne has to offer the best quality of products and excellent services.
8. Minister

Business Details:
- Website:
- Location: Minister Headquarters- House: 47, Road: 35/A Gulshan-2, Dhaka-1212
- Contact: 09606700700
Minister company is a part of MyOne company, which was founded by Mr. M.A. Razzak Khan. The company’s original name is Minister Hi-Tech Park Ltd. They understood the importance of local brands.
They have made many products such as refrigerators, air conditioners, toasters, blenders, Washing machines, fans, and iron. They consider the purchasing power of their customers and they maintain the highest level of ethical standards.
9. Butterfly

Business Details:
- Website:
- Location: No Physical Location Mention
- Contact: 16571
Butterfly Marketing Ltd was established in 1987 at that time they had launched three retail outlets. The founder of Butterfly company is Mr. M. A Mannan.
The products are televisions, refrigerators, air conditioners, and washing machines. Via eighteen departments Butterfly delivers the largest number of products to their customers.
10. Samsung

Business Details:
- Website:
- Location: No Physical Location Mention
- Contact: 08000 300 300
Samsung is a global brand, which was founded in Suwon, Korea in 1969 Seungwan Yoon is the managing director of Samsung Electronics Limited in Bangladesh. They are working in partnership with Fair Electronics Limited.
Samsung has made products like televisions, smartphones, refrigerators, washing machines, home appliances, tablets, and monitors.
Samsung’s new manufacturing plant is under construction at Kamargaon in Shibpur Upazila. Samsung is committed to the quality of its products to enhance a smart lifestyle for its customers.
Contribution to Electronic Brands
Bangladeshi electronic brands are expanding within the country now globally as well. Electronic sectors in Bangladesh are one of the growing sectors, it has a market size of around BDT 20,000 crore.
1. Capturing the Global Market
After meeting the local consumer demands the domestic brands are expanding more by exporting to the global market.
2. Promoting Bangladesh Globally
Walton is the country’s largest electronic brand and it has already established its presence in several countries across the world. In addition to that, the world can see Bangladesh has started participating in the global market.
3. Expanding in Some South Asian Countries
Domestic brands are mainly expanding towards some chosen South Asian countries such as India, Nepal, and Maldives. These countries have low barriers and are less competitive for expansion. And other countries where there are already established brands available, it would be too challenging to compete with them.
That’s why Bangladesh is expanding but at a strategic scale. To hold customers where there is less competition from the already established brands. And among all electronics brands, these are the top ten in Bangladesh.
Further Reading: How to create a payment gateway?
In recent years, Bangladesh’s electronics sector has grown. The journey of the consumer electronics industry started in the 1950s in Bangladesh. However, prior to the 1980s, all electronic devices in Bangladesh were imported.
Companies gradually began creating electrical items by importing technological components. In comparison to other industries, the electronics industry is doing well in Bangladesh nowadays due to the Top 10 electronics brands. These brands dominate the Bangladeshi electronic sector, both in the domestic market and in a few other nations. If you want to know more about Bangladesh’s electronics industry, see our other articles on the topic & stay tuned with us.
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